"The Fall in Love"
115 x 85 x 18 cm / 45 x 34 x 7"
"The idea behind The Fall in Love was to be able to catch the insubstantial aspect of falling in love with someone, which in essence cannot be captured. I was not attracted by the idea of making yet another sculpture of a couple cuddling as we can find already many of those throughout the History of Art. Also in most representations of love in Art, I found that women were often given a bad role, either as temptresses or as submissive victims. I knew my work should not reflect this kind of imagery, but rather showa story where each partner has the same will and power. Finally I wanted people from around the world to be able to project themselves onto the work and to take it over. I established these concepts on the subject and the genesis of the formal idea worked its way alone into my mind. The minimalist form of the final sculpture allows the viewer to understand the theme of the work, while delivering a sense of playfullness and adventure which corresponds to my view of Love. Despite the fact of being faced with a couple falling, the viewer can still interpret the scuplture in his own terms: is she pushing him? Is she keeping him from falling? Is he leading her? Are they falling together? All interpretations and all personal projections upon the work can be correct. "